Tableplop |
Tableplop is a new VTT focused on user friendliness and ease of use. It was released March 24th 2020 on reddit r/dndnext1 and later on r/DnD/2. It is an online, browser based VTT using modern web technologies where you run encounters, roll dice, track initiative, see character stats and chat. It can run in the browser on a computer, phones and tablets.
Tableplop includes features like built in tokens, easy uploading of images, drawing tools, Fog of War, character sheets and automatic grid size detection. It is hosted centrally and players can join your campaign with a simple link.
Tableplop was featured in Cyanomys’ Guide To Playing RPGs Online v2.0.13 in the quick start section under the suggestions for "Your casual D&D 5e group needs to get online with as little fuss as possible." and "You’re broke as fuck." and in the Indie Passion Projects section.
Web based, supports mobiles and tablets
Tableplop is under active development with lots of input from the community. The discord server is active with feature requests, art assets and dev updates.